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Upcoming Classes and Workshops

Upcoming classes at "Stone Circle Alternatives"

Shenandoah Junction, WV
For reservations, pleae e-mail us directly...

January, 2009 (Exact date still TBD)

The Seven Hermetic Principles


Chambered Nautalis

The planets mapped onto the spiral of the chambered Nautilis: an example of the Hermetic prinicple of "As Above, So Below."

Upcoming classes at "On the Wings of Dreams"

Shepherstown, WV
For reservations, call On the Wings of Dreams at (304) 876-0244
or e-mail us directly

There are currently no classes scheduled... Watch for classes starting in January, 2009


Contact Information

Breighton & Kathleen Dawe
576 Edwin Blvd
Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442

or e-mail them at:

Stone Circle Portal
Stone Circle Alternatives is the portal to new knowledge, health, perceptions, and awareness.
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